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We are happy to receive any feedback you may have, be it a feature request, a bug report or simply general comments about the project.


All storyboards and images used throughout this site were created by Wayne Thomas. Logo

What is an Animatic?

Animatics bring a film storyboard to life by combining, and synchronising a storyboard with its sound track. This serves as an invaluble design aid and previewing tool, allowing an artist, designer or potential investor to quickly and cheaply visualize an animated sequence.

Animatic Compositor

Aniamtic Compositor Suite Overview

The Animatic Compositor suite is a collection of tools that allow an artist or animator to quickly create and present an Animatic over the web.

Powerful audio recording capabilities, precise image frame/panel layout, and the ability to vectorize 'hand drawn' storyboards are combined into an Animatic Creation and Editing Suite, the Aniamtic Compositor, providing precise synchronisation of sound and vision.

The Animatic Compositor is composed of two main components, the Animatic Engine, AniComp, developed by us at CMT, and the Audio Engine, through our integration with Ardour, an existing open source Digital Audio Workstation project.

The completed Animatic is then made available to view over the web through the client side player, AniPlay. The player is designed to run anywhere and on non-specialist platforms, providing multiple independant users easy access to the correctly synchronised Animatic, while making best use of the available bandwidth.


Through the use of these tools, we aim to provide animators with the ability to quickly and easily create Pre-Visulazations of animatied sequences, combining professional strength audio and precise audio video synchronization.


The Storyboards and Animatics project is funded by the Scottish Enterprise Proof of Concept fund